About Me

I am a PhD candidate in the Biophysics program at Harvard University, with the privilege of being advised by Cengiz Pehlevan. I did my undergraduate at Rice University, graduating in 2020 with B.S. degrees in physics and chemical physics, and a B.A. in mathematics. In my undergraduate research, I worked on the ogranization and mechanics of the genome, supervised by José Onuchic.

In my PhD research, I am broadly interested in neural computation and the properties of biological population codes. My current research focuses on understanding how the physical constraints of biological neural networks, such as sparse connectivity, affect their ability to learn.

Recent News

  1. [March 2024] I will be traveling to Lisbon to present a poster at COSYNE! Find my poster titled “Biologially plausible neural decoder ensembles are robust to overfitting and noise” during poster session 2 at station 159!
  2. [December 2023] The first first-author paper of my PhD was accepted to NeurIPS 2023! Looking forward to presenting a poster at the New Orleans meeting.
  3. [November 2023] I participated in the Jenelia Junior Theoretial Neuroscience workshop, where I presented research on biologically plausible neural decoder ensembles.